16-Pound Giant Baby Made Headlines In 1983, But Wait Till You See Him Today


Meet Kevin Robert Clark, a remarkable individual who made headlines at birth weighing a whopping 16 pounds, setting a record as the largest infant born at Community Memorial Hospital and possibly all of New Jersey in 1983.

His parents, Patricia and her husband, were relieved to find their giant baby boy was healthy, despite needing extra-large baby clothes and a custom-made cot.

Kevin’s extraordinary size catapulted him to national fame, featuring on prominent TV shows like “Saturday Night Live” and “Good Morning America.”

As he grew, so did his height, reaching 5’7″ at 12 years old and an astonishing 6’5″ by junior high. His height continued to soar, making him a standout in any crowd.

Now 40 years old, Kevin, a former soldier, stands at an impressive 6’9″ and has learned to embrace his towering presence. He jokes about his height, saying, “I like to joke that I’m 5-foot-21.”

Kevin’s story is an inspiring reminder that being different doesn’t have to hold you back.

He’s living proof that with confidence and humor, you can turn your uniqueness into a strength.

Watch the video below to learn more about Kevin’s incredible journey and share his inspiring story with your friends and family!


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