How to Figure Out the Answers to Common Puzzles


There are many strange things in the world that make us curious about how they look and what they’re used for. The answers to these puzzles are sometimes right there in plain sight, just waiting to be found. We use the internet to find answers to these questions and connect with other people who are also interested.

Recently, six strange items caused a lot of interest online. No one knew what they were trying to do, but people on the internet were eager to figure it out.

A strange, heavy thing with a very small hole caused a lot of discussion. It was called the “scoopy doodad,” and no one knew what it was for until commenters figured it out: it was an attachment from an old Sunbeam Mixmaster that juiced things.

Another treat was found in an old cabinet: a piece of glass with very small holes in it. The internet quickly told me it was a flower frog, which is used to keep flowers in a pot in place. It used to be useful, but current foams and gels have made it unnecessary.

Another user was confused by a strong piece of glass with a small hole in it. An oil lamp was the easy answer.

Reddit users were stumped by a strange item that was hidden in a bedroom closet. The only sign was the soft leather base. Someone eventually figured it out as a nail cleaner, which shocked the person who posted it in the first place.

A silver item that looked like old scissors was found under the floorboards of a house from the 1800s. The puzzle was used to crack open soft-boiled eggs, as the internet showed.

In a hotel room, a vertical cutout in the nightstand caught my attention. The answer came from a place you might not expect it: the hotel staff. The slot was made to hold computers or tablets while they charge, which makes the nightstand more compact.

These everyday puzzles tell us that even the most ordinary things hide secrets that have yet to be found. With the power of the internet as a whole, we can solve these puzzles and find out the strange uses for everyday things.


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