The book When Trust Is Broken is about a journey of hurt and forgiveness.


When my partner, Ryan, brought home a zoo of animals without my permission, my peaceful life turned upside down way faster than I thought it would. With three young girls and a tough co-parenting relationship, our blended family was already a mess.

I found out that Ryan’s ex-wife Laura had planned all of this chaos as I got used to my new life. She got pets without thinking, even though her lease said she couldn’t, and Ryan stepped in to help her avoid being evicted. But what really shocked me was that he brought the animals into our house without telling me first.

I felt deceived because my allergies and worries about our way of life were not taken into account. When I found out Laura was lying, things got worse. She had never been in danger of being kicked out, and she had used Ryan and the girls to make things worse between us.

I called around to find out the truth and found that Laura’s landlord had no problem with pets. With this information in hand, I talked to Ryan about it, and together we saw how much Laura was trying to trick us.

The fallout was hard, especially for the girls, who had a hard time understanding what their mother did. Still, this event brought Ryan and I closer together. We promised to communicate, trust, and work together again because we knew that being one was the only way to deal with problems from the outside.

Laura had to give the animals back in the end, and our house got back to being quiet. I learned that trust can be rebuilt after it has been broken, but it takes work and dedication from both sides.

When I think back on that rough time, I understand that love and relationships require giving up things and making concessions. But they also need clear limits, good communication, and being strong in the face of outside forces that want to destroy what we’ve built.

We came out of it stronger, our link stronger because of the fire of trouble. Our story shows that trust can be rebuilt after it has been broken, and that by working together, we can get through even the hardest problems.


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