A Father’s Unwavering Love: Ignoring Criticism and Accepting Love


People are very angry online because Tom, a loving dad from northern England, posted sweet pictures of himself and his five-year-old son Roman. Some critics say Tom’s decision to kiss Roman on the lips caused confusion for his child, which caused a lot of trouble.

Tom doesn’t give up and responds to the trolls with humour and reason. Roman also stands up for his dad and says, “You all are crazy!” Tom’s fans admire him for not giving up and always making time to show his son love.

Tom’s parenting style is shaped by his own morals and life experiences as a father of two. He thinks that the bond between a parent and child is unique and that it shapes the child’s morals and values. Tom clearly loves his boys Roman and Raphael, as shown in his TikTok videos, which show how they play and hug each other.

Some people are worried that Tom’s kisses could confuse Roman or leave him open to being harmed by strangers. Tom, on the other hand, says that teaching kids limits and respect is more important than not showing them love.

Fans have come together to support Tom by leaving notes and sharing their own experiences. A lot of people think that a child needs love and affection from their parents in order to grow and develop. A fan wrote, “Love kisses with my kids and now my granddaughter…the people who think it’s wrong are the worry.”

Tom’s response to criticism has led to a bigger discussion about how society views parental love. Some people think that the backlash is caused by old ideas about what it means to be a man and how to be a dad.

“Have you a problem with him kissing him on the lips because he is a man?” asked one user to point out the unfair treatment. According to Tom, “I don’t think anyone would say anything if it was a mum kissing her little boy.”

Tom is still set on his way of parenting, even though the argument is still going on. Many people are moved by his steadfast love and dedication to Roman, showing that a father’s love is just as important as a mother’s.

The huge amount of support for Tom online is a good lesson that everyone has a different parenting style and that the most important thing is that a child gets love and care.


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