Upsetting video shows an elementary school principal slapping a 6-year-old child.


A shocking video has come out showing a 6-year-old student being physically abused by an elementary school director and clerk in southwest Florida. The claimed crime? Using your fingers to scratch a screen.

The child’s mother took a video of what happened while she paid the fine for damage. She wanted proof because she was afraid no one would believe what she said.

Even though the school district’s policy says that physical punishment is not allowed, Florida law is still not clear. The mother said the beating was rough and scary, and that it could have hurt her physically and emotionally in the long run.

The lawyer for the family said the sentence was too harsh and called it “aggravated battery.” Since then, the mother has taken her daughter to the doctor to get a record of the injuries.

This upsetting event has caused anger and calls for accountability. The community is waiting for the school system to respond because they want justice and to know that these kinds of actions will not be accepted.

As this case goes on, worries about physical punishment in schools come up again. This shows how important it is to have clear rules and safe policies to protect students who are vulnerable.


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