No More Putting Off My Dream: How I Found Freedom in Greece


It had been my dream for years to go to Greece, but my husband Dan kept putting it off. When he finally told me I was “too old” for the trip, I realized I had been waiting for someone who wasn’t interested in the same things I was.

Greece was my vacation and reward for all the hard work and effort I had done over the years. I worked extra jobs and cut back on spending to save every penny. Dan’s repeated delays made me mad, but I didn’t give up hope.

I confronted Dan one night and told him about my savings and plans for a two-week dream trip. He laughed and told me I was too old for Greece instead of being excited.

His words hurt a lot. I thought it was silly for me to think we had the same dream. Dan told me to spend the money on something “smarter,” like a trip to the beach or a house.

That’s when I realized I was living my life to please other people. There was silence for a moment before I spoke out loud, “I’m going to Greece, with or without you.”

I made plans for the trip the next morning and wrote Dan a note that said, “You’re right, I’m too old to waste more time waiting.”

I felt a weight lift in Athens. The warm air, old ruins, and beautiful scenery set me free after years of question. I felt good about my age and looks when I wore my new bikini.

In Michael, I found someone who understood me. He didn’t think I was “too old,” but rather a young woman finding herself again.

Greece was better than I thought it would be and filled a need I didn’t know I had. Dan wasn’t there when I got home, but I felt relieved instead of sad.

After months, Michael and I are still in touch and talking about what to do next.

I learned that you have to be in charge of your dreams and wants sometimes. Don’t let anyone tell you you’re past your best or too old. Greece showed me that I can always find freedom and happiness.


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