Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Shares Heartening Update on Former President’s Condition Ahead of Milestone Birthday


As Jimmy Carter approaches his 100th birthday on October 1, his grandson Jason Carter has shared a touching update on his grandfather’s health. Jason spoke candidly about Jimmy’s condition during a musical tribute honoring the former president.

Jason revealed that despite Jimmy’s physical limitations, he remains emotionally engaged and present. “He’s been in hospice for over 19 months, and while he’s physically diminished, he’s still experiencing emotions, laughing, and loving,” Jason said.

The 39th President of the United States entered hospice care in February 2023 and has since received care in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. Jason acknowledged that the family initially believed Jimmy’s time was limited, but “God had other plans.”

Jimmy’s emotional state can be unpredictable, Jason noted. “Some days he’s awake, others he’s not. We can’t anticipate his emotions, but we’re grateful for the time we have.” Jimmy’s late wife Rosalynn passed away in November 2023, after 77 years of marriage.

Jason reflected on the significance of Plains in Jimmy’s life, saying, “This town has given him immense support; it’s where he feels most at peace.” The decision to provide hospice care at home was a natural choice.

Despite physical frustrations, Jimmy has experienced immense love and support. Jason emphasized, “Music has always brought him joy, solace, and inspiration.” The musical celebration, “Jimmy Carter 100: A Celebration in Song,” featured renowned artists and honored Jimmy’s legacy.


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