The Hidden Treasure: A Lesson in Giving Up Your Own Needs


After getting an important call, Linda and Brian went to see their sick grandma Marlene. It was important for the 90-year-old woman to see her grandkids one last time.

When Linda got there, she was upset about Marlene’s situation and the state of her room. Brian, on the other hand, was more worried about the fortune.

Marlene left them each $5,000 and later read her will. She left Brian the house and Linda five old clocks. Brian made fun of Linda because he thought the clocks were useless.

Cindy wasn’t angry, though. Instead, she paid for Marlene’s eye surgery and fixed up the house with the money she had saved up.

Linda found out what the clocks were really worth after Marlene died. Each one was an old watch made of rare metal that was worth $40,000.

“Everyone gets what they really deserve!” it said in a note from Marlene. “I’m glad you got the best.” Linda understood that her grandmother knew how kind she was and rewarded her for it.

Linda chose not to tell Brian about what she had found, so he would think he got a better deal. She knew that being kind and caring is what makes you truly wealthy.

Linda learned that love and not caring about yourself are very important. She loved the clocks because they reminded her of how much her grandmother loved and taught her.

Linda smiled as she thought about what her grandmother had said because she knew she had received something much more valuable than money: a legacy of being kind and generous.

The old clocks, which were once thought to be useless, became a memory of the real treasure: family love and not caring about yourself.


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