How Science and Growing Up Can Teach Us


“Which part of the human body grows up to ten times its size when stimulated?” Mrs. Parks, a sixth-grade science teacher, asked her class.

When Mary, a sassy student, spoke up, “You shouldn’t be asking us that! “, the room went quiet. I am going to tell my parents about this, and they will tell the principal!”

Mrs. Parks didn’t give up and asked the question again.

Mary went from being angry to being shocked.

There were whispers among the students until Billy, a quiet colleague, finally spoke up. “Is it the pupil of the eye?” he asked.

Mrs. Parks gave a smile. “Exactly, Billy!”

She then turned to Mary and gave her three important insights:

“First, you thought of the wrong thing right away. Also, you failed to finish your work. Third, one day you’ll get a rude awakening to the truth.

The class learned an important lesson: science can be fun, and kids need to be mature.

Have you ever thought you knew something wrong about a situation only to find out something surprising?


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