Honeymooners tried to make my flight hell as a way to get back at me, but I brought them back to earth.


People say that love is in the air, but on my most recent trip, it was complete chaos. I am 35 years old and my story will make you think twice about your next flight.

Think about this: Going on a 14-hour trip to see my wife and child again after being away for what seems like a long time. Dave and Lia, a newlywed couple, made my trip a nightmare.

Dave, who was sitting next to me, asked if I could switch places with his wife, who was in economy. I had spent extra money on a premium economy seat for this long trip.

I kindly said no, explaining that I had paid more for the seat and would be happy to swap it with him if he would pay the difference, which was about $1,000. He didn’t like it and said, “You’ll regret this.”

That was the start of the passive-aggressive chaos. Dave began loudly pretending to cough and then turned on a movie without headphones, which made everyone else uncomfortable.

Dave said no when the guy across the aisle asked him to turn it down. Soon after that, Lia sat down on Dave’s lap, turning their fight into a public show of affection.

I finally got a flight attendant’s attention after an hour of this. She walked up to them and told them that sitting on each other’s lap was not allowed. She was kind but strict. When they got into a fight, the waitress had enough and sent them both back to economy.

I could finally relax now that there was peace again. When we got off the plane, I walked by their row and couldn’t help but say, “Enjoy your honeymoon!” Dave glared at me, but I just smiled because I felt like I had won.

When I got off the plane and saw my wife and child waiting for me, everything became calm again. I was finally at home.



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