Find Out What “WC” Really Means on Public Toilet Signs


The letters “WC” on public bathroom signs have been there for years and no one has thought twice about it. Have you ever thought about what those two letters mean, though?

The answer has been right there in plain sight, and it’s really easy. “WC” stands for “Water Closet.” This term comes from the early days of plumbing inside homes.

It turns out that the name “Water Closet” comes from a long time ago. Since most homes now have indoor water, people turned their closets into small rooms with toilets. Toiletries would have worked great in these closets because they already had running water.

Before people had indoor water, bathrooms were rooms with bathtubs that were separate from toilets. The “bathroom” that was being talked about was the room with the tub. So, when toilets were put in, they were put in the closet.

Now, the word “WC” refers to a room with a toilet, but not always a bath. Many people are now curious about how they could have gone so long without knowing what those two letters meant.

A discovery that has split the Internet

Different people have different responses to the news online. Some people are shocked that they didn’t know, while others can’t believe other people didn’t figure it out sooner.

Someone said, “I’ve been wondering about this for years!”

“I’m 23 and just learned this!” Someone else shared.

Some people are shocked that people didn’t know what it meant. Someone asked, “Who doesn’t know what WC stands for?”

A Lesson in History and Slang

The story behind “WC” is a good lesson that even everyday signs and symbols have interesting pasts. You can always learn something new, like how to make shopping cart hooks or how to hack a cheese grinder.

Remember the humble beginnings of indoor toilets and the clever ways that clothes closets were used in other ways the next time you see that “WC” sign.

The Mystery Is Over

Okay, now you know what the secret meaning of “WC” is. If you like history or are just interested in the world around you, this fact will make you smile.


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