My Husband’s First-Class Mishap: A Lesson in Being Humble


Here’s my husband Clark. He thought it would be a good idea to move himself and his mom up to first class while leaving me and the kids in economy. He had no idea that I had a plan to make his “luxury” experience one he would never forget.

Clark offered to book the flights for our holiday trip, and I thought it would be one less thing I had to think about. But when he told me that he and his mom were going to be in first class while I was stuck with our kids in economy, I knew I had to do something.

I smiled as I watched Clark and his mom enjoy champagne and fancy food. I, on the other hand, was stuck with airplane pretzels. But I couldn’t take it any longer. I had taken Clark’s wallet earlier in secret, and now was the right time to make use of it.

While Clark desperately looked for his wallet, I claimed to be worried and gave him $200 from my purse. He had the most beautiful look on his face. He was ashamed and had to ask his mom for help, which made things worse.

Clark and his mom had a bad time on the rest of the flight, but I was happy in my economy seat because I knew I had taught him a lesson.

Clark was still looking for his wallet when we got off the plane, and I couldn’t help but make one last joke about him possibly leaving it in first class.

As we were leaving the airport, I couldn’t help but feel happy. I kept the wallet safe in my bag, and Clark learned a good lesson about putting his family first.

Who knows, maybe I’ll buy myself something nice with his card before giving it back. A little creative justice can make a trip a lot more fun, after all.


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