On a rough flight, Karma takes center stage.


Todd, a selfish businessman, gets on a plane and starts yelling at flight attendant Samantha, calling her names and being rude. His sense of arrogance goes to a whole new level when he tells her to shine his shoes in the middle of the flight. But when his boss, Mr. Harris, steps in and teaches Todd a lesson in humility, his whole world turns upside down.

I was excited to relax after a busy week as I took my seat in first class. When Todd got on the plane, things got rough right away, so my peace didn’t last long.

Todd looked down on Samantha and treated her badly, snapping his fingers and yelling orders. He demanded that his shoes be shined, which shocked everyone in the cabin into quiet.

Samantha acted like she was fine, but I could tell she was upset. Then Todd’s boss, Mr. Harris, stepped in, and his strong voice got everyone’s attention.

Mr. Harris told Todd he was acting badly and asked him if he treated his coworkers badly too. What they said was a great example of karma.

Todd was clearly embarrassed when Mr. Harris said that they would be talking about his future with the company after the flight.

Todd was calm and lacked confidence for the rest of the trip. As we went down, Samantha gave me a happy smile and her eyes were filled with thanks.

As Todd learned the hard way, this flight taught him how to be responsible for his deeds. It was Karma’s turn to tell us that being kind and respectful goes a long way, even at 30,000 feet.


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