When freedom turns into rebellion: a mother’s dilemma


My 22-year-old son Michael walked in while I was making lunch. He had a very angry look on his face. “Mom, we need to talk,” he said in a very serious voice. When I turned to him, I thought he would be worried like most young adults, but what he said next shocked me.

Not a request but a demand

Michael told everyone, “I need a car.” For some reason, I thought it was strange that he had a part-time job to save money for a car. He was set on his goal of freedom and liberty, though. When I told him we couldn’t afford it, he told me, “Maybe I’ll just go live with my dad then.” I’ll get a car from him.

A Threat, Not a Way Out

Angry, worried, and let down were some of the feelings I had. Teenagers don’t make threats like Michael did when they don’t get what they want. I tried to talk him down by telling him that being an adult means taking on responsibility, but he wouldn’t listen.

Not an Answer, Just a Rift

Things were tense and quiet for a few days after that. Whenever people tried to talk about the problem, they got into fights. I thought I might be failing as a mom or being too harsh on them, which made me feel bad. Then I found a note one Saturday morning that said, “Mom, I’m going to spend some time with Dad.” I can’t take being here any longer. “Maybe he’ll get it better.”

Fear in a mother, rebellion in a son

As I read the words, my heart sank. I thought this day would come, but I had no idea it would go this way. When I called Michael’s number, it went to voice mail. As I tried to remember where his dad lived now, I felt scared. After the split, we hadn’t talked in years. I felt like I had let down my son. Was this just a part of his road to becoming independent?


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