Going from Fox News to “The View” is the next step for Geraldo Rivera.


Geraldo Rivera is going to be a guest on ABC’s “The View” after his well-known exit from Fox News. The former Fox News host tweeted about his planned appearance and gave hints about what might be talked about. His time at Fox News and his fights with coworkers like Greg Gutfeld are likely to be talked about, but “The View” could also talk about other interesting parts of his career.

One of these is his strong support for affirmative action, which he talked about on Fox News in his last moments. Rivera talked about how the policy helped him personally by telling how he was chosen for a Columbia Journalism School program in the late 1960s that was meant to bring together black and white neighbourhood news teams. This event started his career and made him a leader for diversity in journalism.

On top of that, “The View” might talk about Rivera’s fight with Greg Gutfeld, which led to him leaving Fox News. Rivera has refused to say anything about their arguments in the past, but he might now be open to talking more about their tense relationship. But he might also choose to keep good terms with his old coworkers and stay out of trouble.

We will be interested to see how Geraldo Rivera handles these issues and more on “The View” as he starts this new journey. He might share new ideas, but he might also stay calm. Time will tell.


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