A Heartwarming Meeting: Bridging the Gap Between Generations


I was excited to spend time with my 13-year-old niece Lily over the summer and make new memories with her.

But in her bag was a surprise that made me question my old ideas and face the fact that we are from different generations.

The crop tops, short shorts, makeup, and platform shoes that were in her suitcase shocked me and made me question everything I thought I knew about her. It was hard for me to accept that my sweet, naive Lily was growing up and figuring out who she was.

As I talked to my daughter Emily about how she felt, I realised that Lily’s new style was a normal way for her to express herself and fit in with her friends. I understood that I had to trust her and change with the times.

I saw the same kind, smart, and interested girl I had always known in Lily as she embraced her uniqueness.

The times we spent together in the kitchen, making apple pie and telling stories, made me realise that people don’t really change that much on the outside. Our only goal is to find our way.

I learnt to accept the difference between generations and value Lily’s unique journey through this. What I learnt is that sometimes all it takes to make a relationship stronger is a little understanding, patience, and love.


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