A father’s fight to keep his daughter from being lied to


When Serena, my 18-year-old daughter, told me she was going to marry a 60-year-old man she loved, I was terrified. Edison’s age wasn’t the only problem; I soon learned something scary about him.

I was having a hard time accepting their relationship when I caught Edison talking to his partner and learned a shocking truth. Serena was a pawn in a bet he was making to pay off his bills.

I went up to Edison to stop him, but Serena couldn’t see because she loved him so much. I knew I had to move quickly. I hired a private detective, who found out about Edison’s troubled past, including his gambling problem and history of lying.

With this information in hand, I came up with a way to show what Edison was really like. Duke, who used to be his business partner, told me about his own experiences with Edison’s lying. We came up with a plan to show Serena and everyone else Edison’s lies.

Annie, Edison’s sister, and her acting group helped me carry out our plan at the wedding. As Edison put the ring on Serena’s finger, several women spoke up to say how he had lied to them. It was finally shown how much fraud he had been doing.

Edison was caught, and Serena was crushed but no longer in his grip. I finally had a chance to talk to my daughter again and tell her to follow her dreams. Being there for my child and keeping her safe is very important to me now that this has happened.

I hope that our story reminds parents to always put the safety and well-being of their children first.



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