A Mother’s Giving


Olive always put her son Chris first, even if it meant she had to go alone. When he went to college, she worked hard to take care of him by paying all of his bills and living cheaply.

Chris never came to visit, but they stayed in touch through video calls. Olive couldn’t wait to see her niece grow up.

After some time, Chris asked for help with a house and then a company. Olive spent all of her savings to help him, but she never expected anything in return.

After seven years, Chris finally went to see her. He was shocked to see that she had sold their family home and was now living in a run-down apartment complex.

Olive had given up everything for her son’s success, even her own safety and comfort. Chris felt terrible about not wanting to take better care of his mother and said sorry.

He told her he would make things right, and he did. He then moved her closer to him and his family.

They started over together, and Chris showed his mom how grateful he was for all she had done. But what’s more important is that he learned to put her needs first and make sure she never had to give up again.

Chris had a good life because Olive loved him without expecting anything in return. Now it was his turn to love and care for Olive.


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