A Lesson in Boundaries: Dealing with a Family Member Who Is Using You


It can be hard to deal with a family member who always takes advantage of other people’s kindness. In this story, a woman talks about her experience with her sister-in-law, who often comes to visit and expects other people to pay for things.

Even though she is well off financially, she won’t let her sister-in-law freeload.

The sister-in-law made a ticket at a fancy restaurant during a recent visit, expecting other people to pay. But the woman was done. She cleverly got her sister-in-law’s wallet back after she had “forgotten” it again and gave it to her when the bill came. There was a heated fight because of this, but the woman stood her ground.

She hopes that by telling her sister-in-law this story, she will learn how important it is to respect other people’s space and financial duties. Even in family relationships, this experience shows how important it is to be clear about what you expect and set boundaries.

Families can get tense when it comes to money, like in another story where the mother-in-law expected payment for doing housework that wasn’t asked for. In both cases, setting and sticking to good boundaries is important for keeping relationships healthy.


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