Recently, Michael Jordan said something that has caused a heated argument about how sports and pride relate to each other. A basketball legend said that players who kneel during the national anthem should lose their medals. This has caused a new debate about protest and national symbols.
Jordan’s position shows how much he values national traditions and the ideals they stand for. He thinks that athletes should stand during the song to honour the service and accomplishments of their country. Critics, on the other hand, say that this view doesn’t take into account how powerful peaceful protest can be in changing society.

The debate brings up important issues about how to combine patriotism and free speech. Should players be able to use their fame to talk about problems like police brutality and racial inequality, even if it goes against what most people think is right? Or should they put respect for national symbols ahead of everything else?
As the talk goes on, it becomes clear that the connection between sports and social action is complicated and has many sides. Because of what Jordan said, people all over the country are talking about the right way to protest in sports, and the effects will probably last for months.