The Dark Truth Behind a Simple Cleaning Job: A Mother’s Revenge


It’s terrible how life can bring the past back into the present, even when you think it’s gone for good. I had no idea that a simple job of cleaning would lead me to find out horrible things about my ex-spouse and make a dangerous plan that put my son in danger.

To make every day work, I’m Jocelyn, a 40-year-old single mum. It’s been a while since I worked hard as a cleaner, scrubbing floors and dusting high ceilings to make sure my nine-year-old son Oliver always has food on the table. I have a lot of time at work to think, plan, and sometimes worry.

My agent helped me get a new job last week in a nice neighbourhood that looked like it came straight from a reality show. When I got there, the house was empty. There was a note on the marble counter telling me to clean the kitchen, hoover the bathrooms and dust the picture frames. As I worked, I noticed how clean everything was, but the scenery made me think of a place I had been in a dream but couldn’t quite recall.

While I was dusting, I called Oliver to see how he was doing. Hearing how excited he was about art class made me feel better. Soon after, though, I found a framed picture of Oliver in the master bedroom, and everything fell apart. My heart stopped beating, and I couldn’t breathe. I grabbed the frame with shaky hands and said, “What the—?”

I felt scared as I looked around the room for answers. Then I saw more pictures of my ex-boyfriend Tristan, who looked like he had it all figured out. I hadn’t seen him in almost nine years, ever since he broke up with us without saying sorry. Now that he was living in this mansion with his new wife, it was like he had been hidden all along.

As soon as I realised this wasn’t just a cleaning job, I got very angry. Tristan wanted to make fun of me and show me how low I was in his eyes. But I wasn’t the scared woman he left behind who couldn’t act. It was too late for him to come back into my life and make me feel small. I had built my life without him.

I was determined not to give up, so I walked back to the kitchen, switched the salt for sugar, and poured vinegar into his pricey soap bottle. Before I left, I wrote Tristan a note and put it under the picture of Oliver. It told him to stay away from us or else.

After a few days, my agency called to tell me that the client had said the laundry smelt funny and the food tasted funny. I laughed because I knew Tristan was mad. I didn’t care, though. I stood my ground, got some of my power back, and kept my son safe.

He asked if we’d ever need more people on our team while I cuddled with him on the couch that night. I smiled and brushed a hair off of his brow. “Maybe one day, Ollie,” I said. But it’s just the two of us right now, which is great, don’t you think?” I knew I’d do anything to keep him safe because he smiled and nodded.


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