A story about respect and boundaries to give you food for thought


As a new doctor, I appreciate my quiet place to go home to after a long day at work. Our peaceful home turned into a war zone when Ryan, my roommate’s boyfriend, started to eat my groceries like they were his own menu.

I tried to ignore it as a small bother, but the fact that my fridge was getting empty every day was more than just food.

It had to do with rules and honour. The fact that Ryan didn’t seem to care and Jenna didn’t seem to care about my worries made things worse.

I chose to do something about it myself one day. I put crazy prices on my food, which turned my fridge into a minibar. Ryan was shocked to see the $50 apple and $20 broccoli. When I asked for payment, he stopped laughing and looked shocked.

The test went well. I bought a small fridge for my room with the money Ryan sent me through Venmo. Even though it was a small win, it changed the way we worked together in a big way.

I learnt that being creative and firm are needed to set limits. I got back my space and my sanity by taking charge of my fridge. Ryan may have thought it was just food, but I used it to protect my pride.

I learnt from my experience how important it is to speak up for yourself. Don’t let other people use your kindness against you. Set limits and be sure to follow through with them. It’s not about being small; it’s about putting your own needs first.

At the end, I came out on top, with a locked mini fridge and a fresh sense of strength. It was a small win, but it taught me that with determination and a bit of humour, I can get through even the hardest conditions.



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