What a single mother found that changed her life


Jennifer had a hard time after her husband left her while she was pregnant with their fourth child. She was now a single mother of four.

Without any help, she struggled to make ends meet, and possible employers turned her down because she had to take care of her family. Jennifer got a job as a housekeeper in a nearby city because she was determined to support her kids. However, the commute was hard. She had to get a car.

Jennifer was moved when Jeff, the owner, turned around and sold her a used car for less than he thought it was worth.

However, what she found in the trunk of the car would never be the same again. Jeff had put the $5,000 she paid for the car in the trunk with a note telling her to be strong for her kids and pay it forward.

Jennifer was so thankful for Jeff’s kindness that she cried. She realised that there were still good people in the world.

This meeting not only made Jennifer’s life easier financially, but it also gave her hope in people again. Jennifer was moved by Jeff’s generous act to do the same for someone else, which started a chain reaction of kindness in her community.

Jennifer worked hard to take care of her kids and never forgot how kind Jeff was. She made it a point to help other people who were in need, sharing the kindness she had received.

Jennifer’s story shows us that there are good people who can make a difference in our lives, even when things are bad. It only takes one kind person to change our lives for good occasionally.




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