Getting to the Bottom of Wills: Surprising Stories of Love, Revenge, and Kindness


When someone dies, their will can reveal shocking secrets, like relationships that were kept secret, beneficiaries that were not expected, and even strange requests.

These true stories show how a will can change people’s lives, from setting up a trust fund for a pet fish to giving money to an Elvis lookalike.

A will is more than just a formal document; it shows what someone values, what they want, and sometimes even how funny they can be. People on Reddit talked about their experiences with strong wills, which showed a wide range of feelings and goals.

Some wills are kind, like the one where the woman gave her money to a nice bus driver and the one where the man gave millions to charity. Some people want to get back at others, like the parents who gave their kids pets to help them get older and then left them with only the house cats.

When someone dies, some strange requests are made. For example, one woman wanted her horse to be put to sleep and cremated with her. Another man wanted to be buried in a spring-loaded coffin to surprise future researchers.

These stories show how important a will is for planning our heritage and how it can affect the people we leave behind. Wills can surprise, thrill, and sometimes shock, whether they are an act of love, a way to get back at someone, or a strange request.

Tell me about the strangest thing you’ve ever read or heard in a will. Share your story and talk with other people!





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