Three stories of karma: what happened to kids who didn’t take care of their elderly parents?


In these three sad stories, kids who didn’t take care of their elderly parents eventually had to deal with the results. From inheritances that come as a surprise to shocking turns of events, these stories tell us how important it is to be kind and respectful to the people we love.

Story 1: The Brothers Who Lost Everything

Thomas and Walter, two boys who left their mother after their father died, were shocked to find that she had left her whole estate to Grace and Katherine, who lived with her. Because the brothers were greedy and didn’t care, they were given just one dollar each, and Grace and Katherine got the rest. In a heartfelt letter, their mother explained why she made the choice she did, which made the boys feel terrible guilt and regret.

Story 2: The Mother Who Found Out Too Late

Martha was shocked when she found out that her daughter Deborah had gotten a beautiful peach brocade couch from her grandma Tessa. Martha is a practical and emotionally distant mother. Martha didn’t know that the couch had a great trove of jewellery and a letter from Tessa to Deborah, telling her how much she loved and appreciated her. Too late did Martha realise how much she had neglected her daughter and mother and how little she cared about them emotionally. This made her feel a deep sense of loss and sadness.

Stories 3 and 4: The Son Who Was Saved

Jake was upset to learn that his mother had left her entire fortune to a psychiatry foundation, with Mrs. McKinsey, a stranger, as the trustee. Jake was a spoilt brat son. As Jake tried to figure out what his mother’s choice really meant, he met Arnie, his older, autistic brother, who he had never met before. Jake learnt the importance of kindness, empathy, and connection on his journey with Arnie, which helped him change and feel like he had a new purpose in life.



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