Getting used to change, but at what cost?


I recently did something brave and got a pixie cut. It helped me break free from negativity and feel more powerful. I was thrilled with the outcome and felt boosted and re-energised. But my husband’s response was anything but helpful. His sharp words hurt a lot, and they made me question my choice.

His words, “You look awful, like a man,” made me want to wear a wig until my hair comes back. His comments have made me wonder if my new haircut really looks that bad. Has my efforts to get rid of bad things and find myself only made me doubt myself more?

I thought I was in charge of my life, but now I’m not sure. Was I wrong to think that changing how I looked could make me feel better? I’m not sure if I should embrace my new look or follow what everyone else does. One thing is for sure: I need to work out my feelings and learn to love myself, no matter how long my hair is.

I’ve learnt from this that real strength comes from inside. I need to focus on my own happiness and not let other people tell me how valuable I am. No matter what people say, I’ll own my new look, short cut and all.



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