A chance meeting at the grocery store starts a path of justice and healing.


Linette was going to the store as usual when she saw a familiar silver band on a girl’s wrist. This made her trip more interesting. It was the same band she buried with her daughter five years before. Linette was determined to find the truth, so she set out on a journey that would bring her to justice through surprising alliances and shocking discoveries.

Linette saw a single dad having a hard time and his toddler throwing a fit as she walked down the aisles. She offered to help and started talking because she felt like a mother. That’s when she saw it: the band her daughter had given her as a last gift.

Linette’s whole world turned upside down. How did the daughter of this stranger get her aunt’s bracelet? She became obsessed with finding answers, so she dug through the past and found a dark story involving a funeral home and stolen relics.

Linette went after the funeral home to get justice. Bob, the single dad, helped her and it turned out he was a lawyer. Linette found comfort in the fact that they were all working towards the same goal and that she had a surprising bond with Bob and his daughter Emma.

The trip was hard and emotional, but in the end, they won. The burial home was made to answer for what they did, and Linette was able to move on. The bracelet, which used to mean death, turned into a sign of hope and a fresh start.

Linette met someone by chance at the grocery store, and that meeting gave her a new family, a new love, and a new sense of purpose. The worst times can sometimes bring the most beautiful and surprising gifts.



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