When Karma Takes Over: A Flight to Remember


Before I got into my aisle seat for the long trip, I made sure it would be quiet. It was hard for me to keep my cool when a little boy kept kicking his seat and his parents didn’t seem to care.

The family learned a lesson they would never forget when something that started out as a small annoyance turned into a full-on struggle.

The parents refused to stop their child from kicking, even though I asked them nicely to. They said, “He’s just a kid!” to dismiss the child’s behavior.

I knew that avoiding the problem wouldn’t make it go away, though. Jessica was the flight attendant I called. She tried to talk sense into the family, but they wouldn’t listen.

I finally gave up when the kicks kept coming. I asked Jessica to move me to a different seat, and she kindly gave me a first-class place. It was like night and day; it was calm, peaceful, and comfy.

But karma always finds a way to get even. As we started to go down, I heard Jessica complaining about how bad the family was acting.

They had changed their target to an old woman, and their fights with the flight crew got so bad that the captain had to step in. At the gate, security was ready for them.

I couldn’t help but feel proud as I saw them being led away, embarrassed and with embarrassed faces. The universe had evened things out, teaching the family a lesson in duty and honor.

When I got out of the airport, I had a story to tell that showed me that fate can handle things we can’t. As I left, I couldn’t help but smile because I knew that truth had been told.



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