My mother-in-law disappeared every Thursday, and when she came back, I couldn’t say a word.


Cordelia is my mother-in-law. I thought I knew her until I found out a truth that made our whole family cry. I was interested in her because she mysteriously disappeared every Thursday and smelled bad, but nothing could have prepared me for the truth.

When Cordelia came to our house after her husband died, it seemed like a gift. But her strange behavior and vague replies made people suspicious. I was curious about her weekly trips that were kept secret.

I was determined to find out the truth, so I followed her one Thursday. She led me to an abandoned building in a sketchy part of town. I found an underground casino inside, and Cordelia was deeply involved in a world of addiction.

When I talked to her, I found a web of lies and despair. She had nothing left because her drug had taken over her life. She had a chance to make things right, but only on our terms.

Cordelia was forced to go to rehab with the help of the police. She seemed different when she was freed, but only time will tell if she’s really able to change.

Our experience shows us that even the people we love can keep lies from us, and sometimes we need to show them tough love to free them.



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