After 13 years, a woman decides to find her baby who she left on a business class plane seat.


When Rhonda found out she was pregnant at age 16, her whole world turned upside down. David Harris, her rich father, stopped loving her, and her boyfriend Peter wouldn’t take care of the child. Rhonda had to make a terrible choice because she had no one to help her.

Rhonda was filled with fear and doubt after giving birth to a baby boy. She couldn’t take care of her child, and the thought of having to raise him on the streets broke her. She was so upset that she left her son on a plane seat and hoped that someone would take him and give him a better life.

After thirteen years, things were different for Rhonda. She was happy and stable now, but she still felt bad about leaving her son. In spite of her fear of being turned down, she chose to look for him.

Rhonda was able to find her son Matthew with the help of a kind officer. Matthew had been adopted by Lincy, the flight attendant who found him on the plane. When they got back together, things went badly, and Matthew had a hard time forgiving his real mother.

Rhona’s story is about love, loss, and getting a second chance. She tried to make up for her past mistakes and win back her son’s trust. Matthew eventually forgot about Rhonda’s bad intentions and accepted her as his mother. He saw that she did what she did out of desperation.

This touching story shows us that time heals scars and that dwelling on the past is pointless. Rhonda’s story shows that we can get over our mistakes and start over if we are brave and determined.



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