Sending flowers to the woman who likes my husband was just the start of my secret plan.


I never thought I’d be planning a sting operation to catch my husband cheating on me after ten years of marriage. But his late-night calls and general lack of honesty made me suspicious, so I knew I had to do something.

I thought my marriage to Mark was strong. But when he became strangely interested in how he looked and started getting strange texts, my gut told me to stay away. At first, I thought it was just a midlife crisis, but the signs were clear.

I was shocked when I saw a text message from “Jess” on his phone one night. It was proof I needed, so I dug. It wasn’t hard to find out Mark’s secrets. For example, I found out about his affair with a younger woman named Jessica.

I chose to surprise Mark in a way he’ll never forget. With a note from “Mark,” I sent Jessica a really tacky set of underwear and told her to wear it on their next date. I was sure she’d believe it, and Mark’s response would be priceless.

Mark was able to ask Jessica over because I pretended to be out of town for a few days. I stood back and watched as they had a lovely dinner. I wasn’t aware that I had set a trap for them.

Mark was visibly disgusted when Jessica came out of the bathroom wearing the silly underwear. He asked, “What the hell are you wearing?” I walked in at that point, and the truth started to come out.

Jessica found out she had been lied to, and Mark’s efforts to explain himself failed. I told him to leave, and then I calmly ended our marriage.

The painful event served as a warning that even the strongest marriages can be broken. On the other hand, I came out of it stronger and ready to move on.



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