Diana had spent all her savings on buying her son’s suit for the wedding, and she couldn’t wait to see his reaction when she surprised him at home.


At Arnold’s wedding, he became enraged upon seeing his mother, whom he had forbidden from attending. She handed him a gift and gave a toast, which moved Arnold to tears, making him kneel in front of her.

“Look at that, someone’s leaving with a smile! Just see how she’s blushing!” Diana’s boss exclaimed, causing laughter to fill the café’s kitchen.

“We’ll be there, Miss Diana. What time’s the wedding?” a colleague asked as others gathered around Diana, who was visibly blushing.

“For illustrative purposes only | Source: Pexels

“It’s at 11 a.m. this Sunday. I can’t wait to see you all at the church.”

At 60, Diana worked as a cleaner at the café. She took a half-day off to purchase the finest wedding suit for her only son, Arnold. Despite its high cost, she didn’t mind spending her savings. “My son must look his best!” she thought.

Diana eagerly awaited her son’s reaction to the blue suit she had chosen so carefully…

“I can’t wait to see him get married!” she thought excitedly, having long anticipated this day since Arnold announced his plans to wed his girlfriend, Masha.

“Son, look what I got for you!” Diana exclaimed, entering their home with the suit and a bright smile. “I hope you love it! Could you try it on? The seller said we could exchange it if it doesn’t fit.”

Arnold was about to discard his mother’s gift, considering it trash, when he heard her voice over the microphone.

Unveiling the suit, Arnold frowned, unimpressed.

“I’m not wearing such a plain suit to my wedding. I’m marrying into a wealthy family and need to look my best. That suit is too cheap.”

Diana’s eyes welled up, but she hid her disappointment. Her son’s harsh words stung deeply.

The final blow came when Arnold said, “I don’t want you at my wedding. My fiancée’s rich family will be there, and I don’t want you embarrassing me in your shabby clothes. They’ll ask what you do, and I don’t want to tell them you’re just a cleaner.”

Diana couldn’t hold back her tears. She locked herself in her room and cried all day. Arnold, busy with wedding preparations, didn’t check on her. The wedding was in two days.

Despite Arnold’s orders, Diana wouldn’t miss his special day. On Sunday, she dressed in her best outfit and prepared to attend.

“For illustrative purposes only | Source: Unsplash

“You don’t understand a mother’s heart, son. I won’t miss your big day,” she said to herself in the mirror.

Diana brought an old ceramic vase as a wedding gift. At the church, she was happy to see her colleagues and boss already there, momentarily forgetting Arnold’s hurtful words.

“Hello, Miss Diana! You must be the happiest mother today!” her boss said.

Diana smiled, carrying the heavy gift box. She watched the ceremony, tears of joy streaming down her face. “I did it!” she thought.

At the lavish reception, Arnold saw his mother approaching and felt disgusted. “Why is she here? I told her not to ruin my day!” he fumed.

“Congratulations, darling! You both look wonderful! Best wishes!” Diana said, handing him the gift.

Arnold, worried about being photographed, reluctantly accepted the gift. He peeked inside and saw the vase. “An old vase from home? How cheap!” he muttered.

He moved to discard it but was stopped by Diana’s voice on the mic. Arnold turned pale as a secret, kept for 25 years, was revealed.

“Twenty-five years ago, just before my best friend died…” Diana began, looking tearfully at the ceiling.

“She gave me this vase to give to her son on his wedding day. It was a gift from her late parents.”

Arnold was confused.

“After her death, I adopted her son and raised him as my own. I never married because I wanted to devote my life to him. Son, it’s time to see what your late mother left you in that vase.”

Diana toasted as a stunned Arnold opened the vase, finding it filled with money. Overcome with emotion, he fell to his knees.

Arnold realized the woman he was ashamed of had sacrificed everything to raise him. She was more than a mother; she was his savior.

“I kept my promise to my friend. I’m happy for you, son. Take care,” Diana concluded, heading for the exit. But Arnold ran after her, blocking her way.

“Mom, I’m sorry. Your love is priceless. I’ve been a terrible son, but you’ve always been a wonderful mother. Please don’t leave me. I don’t want to be an orphan again.”

Diana hugged him, and they returned to the stage, where Arnold danced with his mother.

“I love you, mom!” he whispered, as tears of joy streamed down Diana’s face.


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