A lot of people can’t tell them apart, but it’s really important to do so.


A fight between David and Goliath is happening in the spice business. Small company Watkins Inc. is suing big company McCormick & Co. for misleading packaging. The argument is about McCormick’s pepper tins, which Watkins says have 25% less pepper than before, even though the size of the tins has not changed.

Packaging that is clear and fair is at the heart of the problem. McCormick’s dark tins make it hard for customers to tell how much pepper is inside. Watkins, on the other hand, sells smaller tins with clear labels that let customers see exactly what they’re getting.

McCormick is being accused by Watkins of “slack-filling” to trick customers into thinking they are getting more pepper than they are. This goes against rules meant to protect consumers and gives McCormick an unfair edge. The small print on McCormick’s tins that says “6 ounces of pepper” makes things even more confusing.

People are being told to be careful when they shop as the spice wars heat up. Don’t let the size of the tin fool you; always carefully check what’s inside. What matters is what’s inside, not how it’s packaged.


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