An astronaut who spent 178 days in space talks about the big “lie” he saw when he saw Earth.


Ron Garan, an experienced scientist, author, and humanitarian, shared a deep realisation he had while being in space for almost six months. People’s views change when they see the world from above. The “overview effect” had a huge effect on Garan, making him realise that people are “living a lie.”

A Planet That Is Weak

During his 178-day trip through space, Garan saw auroras, lightning storms, and other amazing nature sights. But he was also struck by how fragile the Earth was. From space, the thin atmosphere that all living things need to survive looked like “paper-thin” air. This realisation made Garan feel like things needed to be done right away, and he stressed that people needed to rethink their goals.

What You Should Do

Garan strongly urges a change in attitude, telling people to put the planet’s health ahead of their own financial needs. He thinks the way we’re doing things now can’t last and costs a lot. Garan hopes that we can continue to evolve and make sure there is a healthy future if we look at things from a more global point of view.

An Experience We All Had

It’s not just Garan who is going through this. A similar feeling was shared by actor William Shatner, who also had the chance to see Earth from space. Shatner talked about how sad and grief-stricken he was, showing how different the roughness of space is from the beauty of Earth. He felt bad about the damage people were doing and stressed how important it was to keep the planet’s fragile balance.


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