My husband and best friend were cheating in a lift, and they had no idea I saw it. My surprise revenge was brilliant.


Lisa, Ariana’s best friend, was cheating on her husband Tom in a lift at the Grandview Hotel. This turned Ariana’s life upside down. What she saw that day made her come up with a clever plan to get even that would change everything.

When Ariana found Tom’s laptop at home, she realised he had forgotten his presentation for a very important work event. This broke Ariana’s world. She hurried to the hotel to deliver it and found a quiet foyer, which was different from what Tom said about a busy meeting.

The more she asked the front desk worker about the event, the more suspicious she became. To her surprise, she found that Tom had booked a room.

Ariana took a picture of Tom and Lisa shaking hands, which showed that they had lied to her. Then, she and Linda, the clerk, came up with a plan to reveal them. Through “malfunctioning” the lift, they set a trap for them and had Lisa’s husband Mark approach them.

When the lift doors opened, Tom and Lisa looked at Mark and Ariana with priceless looks on their faces. After that, there were tears, yelling, and heartbreaking admissions during the fight. Two marriages and a very close bond came to an end in the end.

It wasn’t easy for Ariana to get better, but she found strength in starting over. She ran into old friends, tried new things, and even thought about going on a date again. Even though the pain was still there, she came out of it stronger and ready to move on.

Her story shows that failures can be chances to learn and grow, and that strength can get you through even the worst betrayals.




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