A man doesn’t want to “date ugly women” or settle for “second best.”


Kevin is a 42-year-old worker from Scotland who has a clear picture of the person he wants to be with. His standards are high, and he’s not afraid to say so. He’s ready to wait for the right person to come along. That’s not enough for Kevin—he needs to find someone who meets all of his needs.

Kevin is very interested in how a woman looks and wants one who is “busty” and has long hair (but not in a ponytail, please!). He knows it’s a big ask, but he’s not going to settle for less. Straight out, “I’m not into ugly women,” he says. “I know I can pull reasonable women, so I’m not saying I’m Brad Pitt.”

Kevin dates without feeling bad about it, and he knows that this could leave him alone for a while. That’s fine with him, though. “I’d rather be alone than settle for second best,” he adds. Kevin knows what he wants and has a strong sense of self-worth. He is ready to wait for the right person to come along.

Kevin is dating right now and busy on TikTok, where he talks to his followers about love and relationships. He has been with and without someone for years, but he’s set on finding someone who meets his high standards. Will he meet the right person? Time will tell.



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