Patricia Krentcil: The Evolution of “Tan Mom”


Our obsessions can greatly impact our lives, sometimes with serious long-term effects on our health. Patricia Krentcil knows this all too well. Her extreme tanning habit gained her internet fame, but it also brought her dangerously close to death with a condition known as tanorexia.

From a young age, tanning became central to Patricia’s life. She frequented tanning salons five days a week, spending hours in the booths to achieve her ideal tan. Her obsession escalated when she was accused of taking her 6-year-old daughter to a tanning salon, allegedly putting her health at risk.

This incident catapulted Patricia into the spotlight, earning her the nickname “Tan Mom” from the media. It also highlighted the condition tanorexia, where individuals become addicted to tanning and lose awareness of their actual skin color. Health experts warned about the severe risks of excessive tanning, including its strong link to skin cancer.

Despite the public outcry, Patricia insisted on her innocence, explaining that her daughter’s sunburn was from playing outside. The charges against her were eventually dropped, but the intense public scrutiny affected her and her family deeply, prompting them to move to Florida for a fresh start.


Patricia’s challenges didn’t end there. In June 2019, she became critically ill due to pneumonia complications and was placed on life support. Fortunately, she survived and has since made a significant recovery, though the effects of her past tanning are still evident.

In a recent interview, Patricia shared that she no longer dwells on her past struggles. She embraces her identity as “Tan Mom” and continues to tan twice a week in her home tanning bed. She views herself as two distinct people: Tan Mom, the celebrity, and Patricia Marie, the mother.

Patricia Krentcil’s story sparks debate about tanning salons. Some argue they should be banned due to health risks, while others believe tanning should be a personal choice. What are your thoughts on this issue?

Regardless of your stance, Patricia’s journey underscores the importance of moderation and self-awareness. It’s crucial to keep our obsessions in check so they don’t overshadow the other vital aspects of our lives.

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