When I got back from my business trip, I saw my son’s drawing of his “new mommy” – The Woman in the Picture Was Known from the Cafe


Being away from my family has never been my strong suit. Initially, working in a different city for a week each month seemed like a promising career move. However, the reality is that I find myself missing my husband, Shawn, and our son, Marcus, more than I ever imagined.

Every time I step off that plane and see their eager smiles waiting for me, it feels like coming home after a long and arduous journey. This time was no exception.

A woman holding her smartphone while riding in an airplane | Source: Pexels

Arriving home late on a Friday night, I was greeted with warm hugs and kisses. Shawn had prepared my favorite lasagna, and Marcus had a new drawing to share with me. My heart swelled with love and contentment. Little did I know, everything was about to change.

The next morning, as I embarked on some cleaning with a cup of coffee in hand and my hair tossed up in a messy bun, I made my way to Marcus’ room.

A man kissing a woman on the forehead | Source: Pexels

As expected, it was a typical eight-year-old’s domain: toys strewn across the floor, crayons scattered about, and stacks of papers adorned with his colorful creations. I began tidying up, smiling at the doodles of dinosaurs, rockets, and family portraits. Then, I stumbled upon it.

A child's drawing of my family | Source: Pexels

Titled “Me and my new Mommy,” the drawing sent a shockwave through me. “New Mommy?” My hands trembled as I examined the picture. It depicted Marcus, beaming happily, holding hands with a woman who clearly wasn’t me. She had blonde hair and sported large, red earrings.

“Could Shawn…?” I whispered to myself, tears welling up in my eyes. Collapsing onto Marcus’ bed, clutching the drawing tightly, the notion of Shawn being unfaithful and introducing another woman to our son felt like a dagger to my heart.

A woman covering her face with her hands | Source: Unsplash

However, amidst the whirlwind of emotions, something caught my eye. In Marcus’ innocent scrawl, the name of our favorite family café adorned the drawing: “At Jack’s.”

I was compelled to seek the truth. I couldn’t sit idly by with this newfound knowledge. Wiping away my tears and summoning my resolve, I knew I needed a plan.

“Hey Shawn,” I called out, mustering all the composure I could, entering the living room where he sat engrossed in a book. “How about brunch tomorrow? Maybe at Jack’s?”

Looking up from his book, Shawn’s face lit up with a smile. “Sounds perfect, Harper. It’s been ages since we’ve been there together.”

A man reading a book | Source: Unsplash

The following day, we made our way to the café. While Marcus bubbled with excitement, chatting animatedly about pancakes and syrup, I felt as though I was heading into the lion’s den. My mind raced with thoughts of confronting this mysterious “new mommy” and the potential implications for our family.

Upon our arrival, I surveyed the café, my heart pounding in my chest. Seated at our usual table, I attempted to maintain a facade of normalcy, though my mind was anything but calm. I kept scanning the room, desperately hoping my suspicions were unfounded. Then, I saw her.

A person pouring syrup on pancakes | Source: Pexels

The woman from Marcus’ drawing. Blonde hair, red earrings – she was unmistakably the same person. A waitress, she carried a tray of coffee cups, her eyes locking onto ours almost immediately. My stomach churned with nerves as she approached our table, wearing a warm smile.

“Good morning! What can I get for you folks today?” she chirped cheerfully.

Summoning all my courage, I turned to Marcus. “Honey, is that your ‘new mommy’?” I asked, my voice trembling ever so slightly.

Marcus looked up, his eyes widening. “Yes, that’s Jessica!”

Shawn’s face flushed with confusion. “How did you…”

A waitress cleaning a table | Source: Pexels

However, Jessica’s smile widened as she knelt down to Marcus’ eye level. “Tell her, Marcus. She needs to hear how you feel.”

“What do you mean?” Shawn interjected, genuine bewilderment etched across his face.

“Oh, come on, as if you don’t know,” I snapped, retrieving the drawing from my purse and presenting it to Shawn. “Explain this.”

Shawn accepted the drawing, his brow furrowing in confusion. “It’s Marcus’.”

He studied the picture, perplexed. “Could you please explain what’s happening?”

Frustration and hurt surged through me. “I found this yesterday while cleaning Marcus’ room. Upon seeing the name of this café, I needed to know the truth. Marcus referred to her as his ‘new mommy.’”

“But it’s absurd,” Shawn protested, shaking his head. Turning to Marcus, he attempted to maintain a calm demeanor. “Marcus, buddy, tell your mom.”

Marcus gazed up at me, a mixture of confusion and sincerity reflected in his big, brown eyes. Pointing to Jessica, he spoke softly. “I wish she were my mommy.”

My heart plummeted. “But why, sweetheart?”

Marcus glanced at Jessica, who offered him an encouraging smile. “You’re never here. But Jessica is always kind to me. She makes pancakes with funny faces and admires my drawings.”

Jessica knelt beside Marcus, her expression gentle. “He showed me this drawing. Remember what we discussed, Marcus?”

“To talk to Mom and express my feelings,” Marcus replied, his voice tentative yet honest.

At that moment, tears welled up in my eyes, streaming down my cheeks as I comprehended how much my son longed for me. He yearned for his mom, not merely physically, but emotionally. I had been absent, preoccupied with work, and he sought solace in someone else because I wasn’t there.

Kneeling down, I enveloped Marcus in a tight embrace, feeling his small arms wrap around me. “I’m so sorry, baby. I didn’t realize how you felt. I promise I’ll do better.”

Shawn placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, his tone gentle. “Harper, you’re an amazing mom. We just need to find a way to make this work.”

Nodding, still holding Marcus close, I affirmed, “I’ll speak to my boss. I’ll forgo these trips if necessary. Marcus, you’re more important to me than my job. I promise to be there for you.”

Jessica rose to her feet, offering us some privacy. “I apologize if I overstepped. I simply wanted Marcus to feel happy and secure while he was here.”

Brushing away my tears, I managed a small smile. “Thank you, Jessica. Your kindness means a lot to him. I’m grateful.”

As we concluded our brunch, the tension dissipated gradually. We conversed, laughed, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose. My family needed me, and I vowed to prioritize them above all else.

Upon returning home, I immediately contacted my boss. Though the conversation was challenging, I explained my need to cease these business trips. Surprisingly, my boss was understanding, and together, we devised a new arrangement that allowed me to spend more time at home.

That evening, as I tucked Marcus into bed, he gazed up at me with a sleepy smile. “Will you really be home more, Mommy?”

Planting a kiss on his forehead, my heart swelled with love. “Yes, sweetheart. I’ll


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