A Police Officer’s Right to a Break: A Story of Dedication and Support


In a heartwarming display of solidarity, thousands of people have rallied around PC Andre Owen, a hardworking police officer who was shamed by a woman for taking a break to eat during his 12-hour shift.

Owen’s day had been incredibly busy, with a serious job in Brighton, a long drive to Oxford, and no time for a toilet break until he stopped at a service station. There, he grabbed a quick meal and was confronted by a woman who assumed he was neglecting his duties.

Her comment, “Whilst you’re in here stuffing your face, there’s criminals that need catching out there,” sparked a viral response from Owen on Twitter, highlighting the reality of a police officer’s life.

Despite the woman’s criticism, Owen’s dedication to his job shone through. He went on to assist a family with a broken-down car, extending his shift to 12 hours, and finished his day with a stack of paperwork.

Owen’s story serves as a reminder that police officers are human too, deserving of breaks and respect. His experience has sparked a wave of support, encouraging people to offer a smile instead of an assumption when seeing an officer taking a quick bite.

Let’s appreciate the hard work and commitment of our police officers, who risk their lives for strangers every day. Share this article to show your support!


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