Adric White, an 18-year-old armed robber, thought he had the upper hand when he stormed into a Family Dollar store. Holding employees at gunpoint, he demanded compliance, believing his weapon made him invincible. But his plan was foiled when a Good Samaritan, legally carrying a concealed firearm, intervened to protect the innocent.
The bystander, who arrived during the robbery, quickly took action. He drew his weapon and ordered White to freeze. When White turned aggressively toward him, the Good Samaritan fired five shots, striking the robber and allowing others to disarm him.
Despite being shot multiple times, White survived and was taken to a hospital. He now faces armed robbery charges, but his family is more focused on blaming the Good Samaritan. They argue that the bystander should have walked away instead of engaging, even though employees’ lives were in immediate danger.
The Good Samaritan, who has chosen to remain anonymous, expressed regret over the incident but emphasized that he acted to save lives. He stated that this was the first time he had ever drawn his weapon in such a situation and wished it hadn’t been necessary.
White’s family, however, remains outraged. They believe the bystander should be held accountable for shooting their son, despite the fact that White was the one committing a violent crime. Their reaction has sparked widespread debate, with many arguing that the Good Samaritan’s actions were justified given the circumstances.
White is expected to recover fully, but his life will be forever changed by the consequences of his actions. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the risks associated with armed robbery and the bravery of those who step in to protect others.