Benefits of Owning a Cat


Across Canada, about 8.3 million households have welcomed a feline friend into their lives, making up a whopping 38% of Canadian homes. Cats have long held their ground as one of the top choices for pets, giving dogs a run for their money. And it’s no wonder why they’re so beloved. With their soft fur, calming purrs, and endless array of amusing antics, cats offer plenty of entertainment and affection without demanding too much time or energy. Let’s explore some of the perks of having a cat as your companion.

4 Awesome Benefits of Owning a Cat:

  1. Stress Reduction Ever wondered if cats can really help reduce stress? Turns out, they can! Research suggests that having any pet can boost your mental and emotional well-being, and cats are no exception. Spending time with your furry friend, petting them as they nap on your lap, can increase your serotonin levels while decreasing cortisol, the notorious stress hormone.
  2. Companionship Despite their reputation for being aloof, cats are actually quite social creatures. They may not wag their tails like dogs, but they form strong bonds with their human families. Cats often crave physical affection, whether it’s cuddling up on your keyboard or demanding attention while you work. They make fantastic companions, especially for those with busy schedules or mobility issues that may find it challenging to care for a larger pet.
  3. Low Maintenance One of the best things about cats? They’re incredibly low maintenance compared to other pets. A well-balanced diet, fresh water, a clean litter box, a few toys, and some quality time with their human are all they need to thrive. Plus, they’re easier to care for when you’re away, and vet bills are typically more manageable than those for dogs.
  4. Health Benefits Having a cat isn’t just good for your soul—it’s good for your health too! Studies suggest that cat owners enjoy better cardiovascular health, are less likely to develop allergies, experience reduced stress levels, and enjoy improved sleep. Some even believe that the vibrations of a cat’s purring can have healing properties.

Whether you’re considering bringing home your first cat or adding another furry friend to your family, understanding their behavior and needs ensures a harmonious pet-owner relationship. From choosing the right food and treats to deciphering cat behaviors, Purina Canada has everything you need to help your cat live their best life.


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