A Family’s Journey to Love and Completion: The Werts’ Adoption Story


Christie and Wesley Werts’ love story took an extraordinary turn when they adopted a baby boy named Levi. Their journey to adoption was a testament to their resilience and determination. After a 16-month wait, they finally brought Levi home, completing their blended family.

Levi’s story began in Texas, where his biological mother struggled with addiction and passed away four days after his premature birth. Wesley, who had a previous relationship with Levi’s biological mother, learned about the baby’s existence and knew they had to act.

Christie, who had experienced foster care herself, was determined to provide Levi with a stable and loving home. Remarkably, she had recurring dreams about a blue-eyed blond baby before learning about Levi. When they met through Child Protection Services, Christie knew instantly that Levi was meant to be their son.

The adoption process was challenging, involving a move from Ohio to Texas, court proceedings, and the termination of Levi’s biological father’s parental rights. Despite facing criticism for sharing their story publicly, the Werts family remains grateful for the love and support they’ve received.

Their story highlights the beauty of adoption and the power of love to overcome obstacles. As they navigate their new life together, the Werts family is a shining example of resilience, hope, and the true meaning of family.


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