Barbra Streisand: A Voice of Dissent Against Trump


Barbra Streisand, a legendary singer and actor, has been an outspoken critic of Donald Trump. In her song “Don’t Lie to Me,” she serenades the former president, calling him a “tyrant” and expressing her disgust at his lies and actions. Recently, she reiterated her threat to leave the United States if Trump is re-elected in 2024.

Streisand’s disdain for Trump is no secret. She has called him “so stupid” and “ill-informed,” and has criticized his assault on democracy and institutions. Her 2018 album, “Walls,” was inspired by Trump’s presidency and features songs like “Don’t Lie to Me,” which she wrote in response to his lies and “craziness.”

The EGOT winner believes that artists have a responsibility to speak out against injustice and serve as a “country’s conscience.” She argues that art is the enemy of tyrants and dictators, and that it can give voice to the voiceless and challenge us to see what others would prefer to ignore.

Streisand is not the only celebrity who has threatened to leave the United States if Trump is re-elected. Others, like George Lopez, Chelsea Handler, and Cher, have made similar vows. However, Streisand’s commitment to using her voice to speak out against Trump remains unwavering.

In her 2023 memoir, “My Name is Barbra,” Streisand writes about the importance of artists speaking out against injustice. She argues that they have a unique platform and responsibility to challenge the status quo and give voice to those who are marginalized.

As the 2024 elections approach, Streisand’s message is clear: she will not tolerate living in a country ruled by Trump. She has threatened to relocate to England, citing her love for the country and its values.

Streisand’s voice is a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking out against injustice and fighting for truth and accountability. Her commitment to using her platform to challenge Trump and his enablers is inspiring, and her message is one that resonates with many Americans.


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