13 Sisters from the same convent died of COVID-19, which is a terrible tragedy.


In a terrible turn of events, between April and June 2020, 13 sisters from the Felician community in Livonia, Michigan, died because of problems with COVID-19. The sisters, who were between the ages of 69 and 99, lived in a close-knit neighbourhood that was hit hard by the virus.

It is thought that the spread began when two helpers brought the virus into the convent without meaning to. The sisters’ quick spread of the virus showed how important it is to take the right measures, especially in communities that are already weak. Later, experts said that the lack of proper safety steps for the girls was a problem.

Not only was the loss a personal tragedy for the convent, it also had a big effect on how they ran their daily business. In fact, this terrible event was the worst thing to happen to a faith group since the flu pandemic in 1918. Even though it was hard, the sisters who were still alive stressed how important it was to stick together and do things like wear masks to stop the virus from spreading.


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