The Out of the Ordinary Way to Love Yourself: Antoine Cheval’s Path to Being Single


In a world where standard sexual relationships are often seen as the best thing in life, Frenchman Antoine Cheval has chosen a different way to love himself. After several failed relationships and marriage offers, Antoine made the brave choice to marry himself, accepting the idea of sologamy.

A new practice is for people to promise to themselves, which is also called “self-marriage” or “sologamy.” They do this to celebrate their own worth and happiness. Antoine’s choice to marry himself was both a personal one and a statement against what most people think should happen. He wanted to show that his sense of self-worth wasn’t based on what other people thought of him.

The road that led Antoine to being single wasn’t easy. He had to deal with his own feelings of being rejected and having low self-esteem. But Antoine was able to get back to being himself and be happy after he decided to marry himself. His wedding to marry himself was a celebration of who he is as a person. It included vows, guests, and a dinner.

Antoine’s story is not an unusual one. A lot of other people around the world have also decided to go on the path of sologamy. Sophie Tanner, a British photographer, got married again in 2017 after getting divorced in 2014. Laura Mesi, an Italian fitness teacher, did the same thing in 2014. In 2022, Kshama Bindu made news in India when she was one of the first people to take part in a formal procedure for self-marriage.

The idea of “sologamy” makes us think about how we usually think about love and relationships. That love relationships are the only way to be happy and fulfilled is called into question. Instead, sologamy tells a different story that stresses how important it is to love yourself and be strong on your own.

People often think that personal ties are the most important thing in life, but Antoine’s story shows how important it is to love yourself. He chose to marry himself for personal reasons, but it was also a protest against what society thought he should do. He has shown that self-love and personal freedom can lead to happiness and fulfilment by choosing to be a sologamist.

More and more people are choosing to be single, which brings up important questions about the future of partnerships. Will people become less interested in formal relationships and more interested in finding love and happiness on their own? Time will tell, but one thing is for sure: Antoine Cheval’s decision to go single has started a very important talk about love and relationships.


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