Science Shows That Women Sleep Better Next To Dogs Than Men


Sleep is essential for our well-being, but have you ever considered who makes the best sleeping companion? According to recent research from Canisius College in New York State, women may sleep better next to dogs than humans or cats.

Dr. Christy Hoffman, an animal behaviorist leading the study, surveyed nearly a thousand women across the United States. Surprisingly, 55% of participants shared their bed with at least one dog, while 31% slept with a cat. Additionally, 57% shared a bed with a human partner.

So, what makes dogs superior sleep buddies? First, their sleeping patterns align more closely with humans than cats do. This synchronization may lead to fewer disruptions during the night.

Moreover, dogs often adhere to their owners’ schedules, promoting consistency in bedtime and wake-up times. This routine can significantly improve sleep quality.

Another advantage is dogs’ tendency to stay still while sleeping. Unlike felines, who come and go, dogs typically remain on the bed throughout the night. This stillness reduces disturbances, contributing to a more restful sleep.

But perhaps the most significant benefit of sleeping next to a dog is the sense of security they provide. Many dog owners find comfort in knowing their pet can alert them to potential threats, offering peace of mind that cats or even human partners may not.

However, it’s essential to note that the study’s findings are subjective and may vary from person to person. Some individuals may find their dog’s snoring or warmth disruptive, while others swear by their cat’s soothing presence.

While more research is needed to definitively crown dogs as the ultimate sleeping partners, Dr. Hoffman believes these studies are crucial, given the prevalence of pets in American households.

Understanding how pets impact sleep quality can help individuals make informed decisions about co-sleeping arrangements. Future research may utilize technology like Fitbit-like devices to objectively assess sleep quality in various scenarios.

So, whether you’re cuddled up with a canine, cozying up to a cat, or sharing a bed with a human, the key is finding what works best for you. After all, a good night’s sleep is priceless.


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