A soldier named Michael Cassidy recently talked about his feelings on the removal of the Baphomet figure from the Satanic Temple at the Iowa State Capitol. Different people had different responses to Cassidy’s actions. Some praised his stand against Satanism, while others sent him hate mail.
Cassidy chose to take down the statue because he thought that famous figures can have a big effect on society. He stressed how important it was to turn away from Satanic forces and follow Jesus Christ, especially when it comes to forming the ideals of young people.
Cassidy said that kids are easily swayed, so it’s important to have a good effect on them. Putting more emphasis on faith and family values, he thinks, will help Americans become a more caring and decent culture.
People in the US should think about their views and how they might affect the future because of Cassidy’s deeds.
Cassidy’s call to action is a good reminder of how important faith, family, and community ideals are in a world where moral lines are becoming less clear.