It had always been our dream to have a family, but fate had other ideas. Our lives were turned upside down when I was told I couldn’t have children. But Camden’s unfailing love and support gave me the strength to think about an alternative: adoption.
The first step we took was to adopt Nicholas, a five-year-old boy. The process was very hard because there were a lot of meetings, papers, and trips to foster care sites. Even though things were hard, Camden stayed strong, and his positivity was contagious.
After that, we met Nicholas. We fell in love with his shy smile and big brown eyes. We were sure we had found our son.
But our journey did have some rough spots. Right before the adoption was finalised, a rich couple named the Featheringhams asked if they could adopt Nicholas. They told him he would have a life of luxury with private schools, trips to faraway places, and all the things he could ever want.
We were afraid we wouldn’t be able to keep up with their money and fancy way of life. In comparison, our small means didn’t seem important. But Nicholas knew that our love and family were the most important things to us.
While we were with Nicholas, we did easy things like watch movies, play board games, and go on walks. Our ideas often didn’t work out, but Nicholas didn’t seem to mind. He laughed and liked being with us, and we could feel a strong bond forming between us.
Nicholas had to make a choice as the week came to an end. Would he pick our poor family or the rich Featheringhams? Even though we were scared, we knew we had taught him what family and love really mean.
Nicholas picked us in the end. “I feel like I have a family when I’m with them,” he said. I’m glad and safe. I like the stories they tell me too. “It feels like home.”
We were so happy. There was enough love, hope, and promise between us. Nicholas didn’t need to be rich and fancy; all he needed was a family that loved him no matter what.
As we gave Nicholas a tight hug and shed happy tears, we knew that our family was complete. There was no going back for our son now that we had found him.