How Tessa Evans’s Spirit Will Not Break


Tessa Evans, a sweet and smart 10-year-old from Maghera, Ireland, has been moving people all over the world with her amazing story.

The National Institutes of Health say that less than 100 people in the world have this very rare disease. Tessa’s family and medical team have been working hard to make sure she has a happy and full life, even though BAMS can be hard at times.

Tessea’s path has not been simple. She was in intensive care for her first five weeks and had surgery at just two weeks old to put in a tracheostomy tube, which lets her eat and sleep regularly. After two years, she was the first person to get a cosmetic nose implant, which made it possible for others to follow suit.

The journey of Tessa’s parents, Grainne and Nathan, has been very important to them. When Tessa was only two years old, they made the hard choice to go ahead with the surgery for a nose implant, knowing that the process would be long and tough.

“We all had a very hard time making that choice,” Grainne remembered. “We love Tessa so much and thought she was completely beautiful the way she was.” In the end, though, they chose to go ahead with the surgery to give Tessa the best chance at a normal life.

People around Tessa are still inspired by her energy and love for life as she grows and changes. Even though she has problems, Tessa is still a happy and sure of herself girl. Many people find hope and motivation in her Facebook page, Tessa; Born Extraordinary. There, they praise her strength, beauty, and courage.

The story of Tessa is a strong lesson that everyone is different and unique in their own way. Even though she has had problems, Tessa is still a powerful force who makes everyone she meets happy and gives them hope. As Tessa continues on her journey, her unbreakable spirit will no doubt touch many people’s hearts and remember us all how important it is to be strong, brave, and have the unwavering support of those you care about.


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