The Strange Reason Why Some Toilet Seats Have Open Fronts


Toilet seats might not seem like a very interesting subject, but the way they are designed has caused interest and discussion. You may have noticed that some toilet seats are oval-shaped and others have fronts that are open. But have you ever thought about why this style exists?

The “split seat,” which is another name for an open-front toilet seat, has been around since the late 1800s. At first, these seats were made for public places like schools and hospitals. As time went on, they were added to all public bathrooms in the United States.

So why did toilet seats with open fronts become so popular in public loos? How clean you are is the answer. The American Standard National Plumbing Code (ASNPC) set rules for public bathrooms in 1955. To stop the spread of germs, toilet seats had to have open fronts. The idea behind this design was to keep people from touching surfaces directly, which would make it a cleaner choice for places with a lot of foot traffic.

It’s clear that open-front toilet seats are helpful. Because they keep the seat from touching the user’s body, they lower the chance of contamination. This shape also makes it easier to clean because the area around the bowl is clear for the cleaning staff to get to. The open front is also cleaner for both men and women because it removes a part of the seat that could be touched by splashes or sprays.

Open-front toilet seats are also useful for people who have trouble moving around. The design makes it easier to get from a wheelchair to the bathroom, which encourages freedom and safety. Also, the open front makes crashes less likely because people are less likely to bump into a solid seat.

People tend to use oval-shaped toilet seats at home because they are more comfortable, but the open-front style is still popular in public bathrooms. Because it is easy to clean, keeps surfaces clean, and is useful, it is a good choice for places that get a lot of use.


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